College Peak Advisors guides students to reach their peak potential through a comprehensive, data-driven approach that discovers their unique passions, matches them with potential careers and colleges, and provides expert guidance throughout the application process. The services outlined here are offered as part of a Comprehensive Package for high school students.

Preparing for the Journey:
Student Discovery and Planning
Parent and student intake meetings to analyze goals
Assess student's abilities, skills, personality, interests, strengths, and learning style
Academic planning, including course selection, advisement, and transcript analysis
Guidance on extracurricular activities, employment, and summer programs
Student resume and activities list development
Standardized test planning (SAT/ACT) and preparation recommendations

Exploring the Landscape:
College Research and Selection
Explore career options and majors based on student assessments
Evaluating colleges based on academic, social, and financial fit
Guidance and resources for conducting comprehensive college research
Personalized college list development based on student interests and goals
Campus visit strategy and preparation
Interviewing skills for on-campus and alumni interviews

Reaching the Summit:
The Application Process
Comprehensive application review, assistance, and guidance
Brainstorming, outlining, and editing personal statements and supplemental essays
Recommendation letter strategy and support
Financial aid and scholarship application support, strategies, and assistance
Final application review, submission, and post-application support
College transition guidance, including waitlist, deferral, and appeals advice