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college checklists BY GRADE


I've handpicked these books to guide you through college admissions. They offer insider insights, myth-busting advice, and fresh perspectives to help students and families navigate this complex process.

Book cover of 'College Match' by Steven R. Antonoff. Light blue background with cartoon-style illustrations of a student, books, and college-related items.
College Match:
A Blueprint for Choosing the Best School for You
January 2, 2022

This guide offers a practical approach to finding the right college fit, leading students through self-assessment and research. It provides tools to evaluate academic, social, and personal factors, helping align student needs with potential schools for a successful experience.

Book cover of 'Who Gets In and Why' by Jeffrey J. Selingo. Bright yellow background with an illustration of an open door and bold black text.
Who Gets In and Why:
A Year Inside College
September 15, 2020

This insider's look reveals the complex factors and decision-making processes behind college admissions, offering valuable insights for students and families navigating the competitive world of higher education.

Book cover of 'Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be' by Frank Bruni. Red background with white and yellow text, featuring a simple illustration of a graduation cap.
Where You Go Is Not Who You'll Be:
An Antidote to the College Admissions Mania
March 8, 2016

An exploration of college choice impact, arguing that success and fulfillment depend more on a student's efforts than attending elite institutions. It challenges prestige-driven admissions, offering alternative perspectives on achieving growth after high school.

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